World Summit on Sustainable Development 


instant news and comment from the World Summit
 British Council


Daily Summit

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[Summit FAQ]


What was the Daily Summit all about?

It was an interactive web journal launched on 19 August 2002, which reported live from the World Summit on Sustainable Development from 23 August-5 September, and fed back on the Summit afterwards. The site is now in an archive state, but will be updated at regular intervals. For more details, see Summit About

Why did you do it?

To demonstrate that an international event can be successfully covered by a weblog

What did it achieve?

A huge amount of visitors in a very short space of time, live and up to the minute updates from the Summit, several news "firsts", a human interest side to the Summit, an unrivalled amount of links and seen by countries all around the world.

Why did the British Council decide to support the site?

They saw the value in being able to use a freely available medium to inform and reach a wide ranging audience.

I read your posts on a daily basis, where have they all gone?

They're now all stored in the archive section. They all have a category assigned to them so you can view the posts by date or by category, or you can use the search facility to find individual posts.

Can I use your content?

You can reuse your content or reprint one of our articles, as long as you acknowledge Daily Summit and provide a link to our site.

How is your relationship with the British Council?

It went well, so it was their idea.

Tell me more about the British Council?

The British Council works in 227 towns and cities in 109 countries. Look here for British Council websites around the world.

Who worked on the site?

David Steven (went to Joburg, got stun grenades thrown at him), Abigail Davis (design, tech and other tricky stuff, her name's changed as she's married now), Jane Frewer née Frewer (held it together, was ready with bail money for David), Mick Fealty (found things out), Mark Weston (did some research), Vicky Collis (editorial, publicity and a holiday in Cornwall full of Daily Summit postings). At one time or another, we’ve all been involved with River Path Associates

Any declarations of interest?

Many. We've worked for the British government, lots of the UN organisations, big business, a fistful of NGOs, and the Queen Elizabeth School.





"Traditional publishing is about putting on a show.

 Building a network of weblogs is like hosting a party."


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